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7 Kursusse

3D Print templates for STEAM subjects
3D Printing and CAD
Preview Course

3D Printing and CAD

3D Print templates for STEAM subjects

Choose from a variety of 3D modelling templates as teaching tools for your classroom. 

3D Modelling and Design Level 4
3D Printing and CAD
Preview Course

3D Printing and CAD

3D Modelling and Design Level 4

3D Modelling and Design Level 5
3D Printing and CAD
Preview Course

3D Printing and CAD

3D Modelling and Design Level 5

3D Modelling and Design Level 6
3D Printing and CAD
Preview Course

3D Printing and CAD

3D Modelling and Design Level 6

3D Modelling and Design Level 7
3D Printing and CAD
Preview Course

3D Printing and CAD

3D Modelling and Design Level 7

The following course introduces CAD to learners. It covers basic modelling skills in:

1. Tinkercad

2. Fusion 360

The outcome for the course is for learners to be able to design, model and print a Pulley and a Car using Fusion 360.  

3D Modelling and Design Level 8
3D Printing and CAD
Preview Course

3D Printing and CAD

3D Modelling and Design Level 8

The following course revises the features used 3D modelling. 

The outcome for the course is for learners to be able to design, model and print a two part gear system in Fusion 360. 

Introduction to 3D Printing and CAD Grade 7-9
3D Printing and CAD
Preview Course

3D Printing and CAD

Introduction to 3D Printing and CAD Grade 7-9

This course provides a brief introduction to 3D Printing and initial setup. The main purpose of this course is to assist in the following:

1. Set up and configuration of your 3D Printer.

2. Introduction to Tinkercad.

3. Introduction to Fusion360. 

4. Introduction to Flashprint.