7 Courses
3D Printing and CAD
Choose from a variety of 3D modelling templates as teaching tools for your classroom.
3D Printing and CAD
The following course introduces CAD to learners. It covers basic modelling skills in:
1. Tinkercad
2. Fusion 360
The outcome for the course is for learners to be able to design, model and print a Pulley and a Car using Fusion 360.
3D Printing and CAD
The following course revises the features used 3D modelling.
The outcome for the course is for learners to be able to design, model and print a two part gear system in Fusion 360.
3D Printing and CAD
This course provides a brief introduction to 3D Printing and initial setup. The main purpose of this course is to assist in the following:
1. Set up and configuration of your 3D Printer.
2. Introduction to Tinkercad.
3. Introduction to Fusion360.
4. Introduction to Flashprint.