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5 Kursusse

Drone Coding Level 6
Drone coding
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Drone coding

Drone Coding Level 6

DroneBlocks Simulator Coding Course

This course is interactive for learners. 

In this course, students will be introduced to block coding that includes real-life drone application in the city environment (simulator). This course includes interactive activities for students.  

Each lesson includes an independent activity at the end of the lesson. 

Drone Coding Level 7
Drone coding
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Drone coding

Drone Coding Level 7

DroneBlocks Tello/ Simulator Coding Course

This interactive course is for learners. 

This 10 week course provides an introduction to Block Coding and Tello drones. It includes lessons and practical activities using Block Coding, which leads up to a challenge for learners to code a mission to inspect the Orlando Pilot's mission, using 3D coordinates. 

LiteBee Drone Coding Level 7
Drone coding
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Drone coding

LiteBee Drone Coding Level 7

LiteBee Wing Drone Aptitude and Manual Flying course

This course allows learners to assemble the LiteBee Wing drone and manually fly it. It includes a coding lesson based on the computer app. 

LiteBee Drone Coding Level 8
Drone coding
Preview Course

Drone coding

LiteBee Drone Coding Level 8

LiteBee Wing drone coding course. 

This course allows learners to manually fly the drone and learn to code it on a phone or computer based app. 

DroneBlocks Simulator PBL Missions
Drone coding
Preview Course

Drone coding

DroneBlocks Simulator PBL Missions

Explore different missions and challenges in the DroneBlocks simulator environment. The following courses are links to the video-based DroneBlocks curriculum.